On October 6, 2020, our shipping container filled with Ocean Sole art left Kenya on it’s way to our USA distribution centre. We are thrilled to announce that it finally arrived in Ponte Vedra, Florida on January 18, 202!
After 3 long-awaited months, it felt like Christmas when the container was finally delivered! We were very eager to unload all the art, but quickly realized it was going to bring some unique challenges.

Inside the container was our highly anticipated, lifesize Honda S2000! A replica convertible complete with a full steel chassis and two seats made for people to sit in. It was unbelievable to see all the detail that went into this show stopping piece of art! After building a ramp and slowly rolling it out of the container, we were all able to appreciate the size of a life-size car made from flip flops. It is truly incredible!
Also in the container were 5 life-size endangered animal species. A gorilla, panda bear, grizzly bear, jaguar, and pangolin. These sculptures are part of The Solemate Project, a multi-year effort to create large-scale flip flop art replicas of over 200 mammalian endangered species. We want our art to travel the globe and inspire action through education and awareness to help save wildlife by supporting on-the-ground conservation efforts.
The size and detail of these sculptures are absolutely breathtaking. We are hoping to find somewhere to display them very soon so they can be appreciated and bring awareness to this cause!
Another large piece of art we unloaded was an oversized Grammy award for our Global Ambassador Gramps Morgan. This 3x Grammy winner is a successful musician, entrepreneur, and true philanthropist! We are so excited for him to receive this Grammy in honour of all that he has achieved!
For the first time ever our artists created a full-size flip flop surfboard. This brand new piece of art was created for another one of our Global Ambassadors, Kyle Johnston. Kyle is a professional Florida surfer who plans on taking this board for a ride at Jacksonville Beach. We can’t wait to see how he does! Did you spot the full-sized flip-flop in the board? ;)
Also in the container was 81 boxes of new products and restocks of our most popular items. Opening each box and seeing what was inside felt like receiving a gift! Some of our most anticipated arrivals are our dog sculpture and cat sculpture which are now online, as well as our new Ocean Sole bracelets launching soon!!
Other sculptures back in stock - HOORAY!
Our bee sculptures are also back in stock, and they are sure to create a buzz!
Our large giraffes are available and are looking beautifully elegant!
You can also shop our skulls, medium triceratops, T-rex, and mooooo cows!
Be sure to keep an eye on our social media pages to see where all these incredible pieces of art end up!