One With The Ocean: Sea Week – Ocean Sole

The ocean is the defining physical feature on Earth as it covers 70% of it’s surface. 

It is also home to the majority of life on earth and responsible for around 70% of the oxygen we breathe, absorption of carbon dioxide, climate regulation, jobs, food, waste removal, marine transport, medicine, travel, recreation and fun.

Seaweek is held annually in New Zealand and is run by the New Zealand Association for Environmental Education (NZAEE), a non-profit group promoting sustainability education. 


It is a national week about the sea and encourages people to renew their relationship with our oceans and to learn about the incredible creatures that live within it.

This year, it will be held from 5th March- 13th March. Sea Week is the perfect time for all of us to get to know our sea. Sea Week offers volunteers a wide range of activities, opportunities, and competitions that help them connect with the sea and appreciate the delicate ecosystem that it supports.

What are some activities that take place during Sea Week?

Organizers of the event usually have a host of activities planned out individually, or if you’re in a group, you can create your events and participate from wherever you are in the world. Some of the activities could include:

  • Activities and presentations within schools.
  • Community beach clean-ups.
  • Kayaking and snorkeling experiences.
  • Marine ecosystem field trips and engagements with citizen science.

For more information about this event, Kindly check out their website:


The Sea is calling out to you! Learn more about it during the Sea Week and have fun! 


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